Volunteers sought to foster service dog puppies

Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities (ECAD) in Torrington is seeking Norfolk residents to foster puppies for six months, offering the animals a warm social environment and basic training before they return to ECAD for more advanced training.

ECAD places trained service dogs in homes with both children and adults with disabilities in Connecticut and across the United States, according to Christina Canaletich, puppy instructor.

Canaletich said ECAD is both flexible and selective about the homes in which the puppies are placed. “We are looking for adults who have a car, are retired, work from home or can take the animal to work with them,” she said. “The training is constant, focusing on general manners. You are always with the dog.” 

Homes with children are acceptable and can be either houses or apartments.

Orientation is offered to foster families and supplies, food, medical attention and crates are provided. 

Perhaps the hardest part for the foster family is letting go, Canaletich said. “The puppies are 10 weeks old when they go into a home, and they come back to us at eight months for a year of advanced training. We push for people to do it more than once, but some people can’t.”

For information call Canaletich at 860-489-6550, ext. 529.

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