Voting & Elections

Who may vote?

Norfolk residents may vote on two types of matters: town business or elections for office. Nonresidents may vote on town business provided that they meet the eligibility requirements. Residents are those individuals whose primary residence is Norfolk. Part-time residents are considered to be nonresidents for voting purposes.

Residents who are registered to vote, and any individual who is a U.S. citizen of 18 years of age or more and who is liable to the town for taxes on property assessed at $1,000 or more before any exemption(s), may vote on any town business matter brought to a vote at a town meeting or referendum. Joint property owners who pay qualifying taxes may both vote if both names appear on the grand list.

Norfolk residents who are registered voters may vote to elect individuals to office in any town, state or national election.


Individuals whose primary residence is Norfolk may register to vote in elections. The Registrars of Voters, who maintain the list of eligible voters according to Connecticut statute, keep weekly office hours. Individuals may also register on line. Once registered, voters should exercise their privilege regularly and must respond to mailings designed to confirm their eligibility. If they do not they are placed on the inactive list. Voter registration may be verified through the registrars or checked on line.


An annual Town Meeting to vote on the town budget is held every May, usually at the Botelle School, 128 Greenwoods Road East. Special town meetings may be called as needed.

Elections are held in Town Hall, 19 Maple Avenue, at previously announced times. To learn more about the complex statutory requirements and procedures, see the State of Connecticut’s website page on elections and voting.

If a voter must be absent on election day, the Town Clerk is responsible for the issuance of absentee ballots. These may be sent only following receipt of a completed application. There are certain requirements, including time constraints. Individuals with a permanent disability may be eligible to apply for a permanent absentee ballot. Contact the Town Clerk for details.