Guidelines for Submissions

Norfolk organizations and individuals are invited to submit event listings, community news and photographs for consideration and publication on this site. The editors will review all submissions for adherence to our guidelines and may publish, or not publish, at their sole discretion. Please read and observe the following guidelines.


1. Events for listing on the website calendar may be submitted by using the form supplied on the home page, or by sending an email to the events editor.

2. Events should be public, open to all and must take place in Norfolk. Events held in Norfolk by an outside organization may be submitted for consideration. The number of attendees may be limited. Please do not submit personal events, such as weddings and birthday parties; they will not be accepted.

3. Please include the following information: type and name of event, date(s), beginning and ending times, place, cost and any special requirements, limits or other details (registration required, for example), and a description of your event. Descriptions should be short (30 words or fewer) and are subject to editing; we encourage you to include links to other sites with more information. If using email, be sure and include your contact information in case the editor has a question. If using the website’s submission form, be sure to fill in every required element.


Information about community news other than events should be sent to the news editor, with as much detail as possible. Be sure and include your contact information.


1. Photographs may show general scenes or specific things…buildings, activities or wildflowers, for example…that represent Norfolk’s various aspects and seasons. They must be digital images in color, at the highest possible resolution.

2. All photographs are submitted with the understanding that the website photo editor will review all submissions for whether they meet the necessary specifications, and that submission does not guarantee that the photo will be used. No payment will be made for use and the length of such use may vary from a few weeks to more than a year. Copyright ownership remains with the photographer but submission conveys to the town the right to use the photograph on its website, or to promote the website, indefinitely. Any other use requires permission from the photographer.

3. Photographs for the home page banner should be “mood” photos of the town. Any people should be an incidental part of the scene, not the focus. If people are recognizable, especially children, they should give their permission for use of the photo. Images should be extremely horizontal and are subject to cropping.

4. Photographs for the Living and Visiting pages can be more specific in subject and people can be part of the scene. Images should be horizontal rectangles.

5. Photographs for the Views page can also be more specific in subject and people can be part of the scene. Images may be any proportions.

6. Submissions should be sent to the webmaster, who will forward them to the photo editor for consideration. Please allow at least 2 to 3 weeks for this review. Be sure and include your contact information.