Vegetation, Trees Cut at City Meadow

Work is progressing on the restoration of City Meadow. Tree work was completed during the first week of May and the vegetation has been cut back in preparation for application of herbicides to the phragmites and invasive cattails as they start to grow back. Discussion at the May 7 meeting of the Friends of the Meadow Committee centered on future maintenance, including removal of unwanted woody plants on the hillside, applying herbicides to tree stumps, cleaning out the forebay, fixing drainage and maintaining the walkways. 

A special meeting of the committee has been called for May 22 at 6:00 p.m. in Town Hall.

A $500,000 state grant originally funded conversion of the five-acre wetland, meadow and hillside into a native habitat for birds and wildlife with boardwalks that allow visitors to observe them. A private donor has provided $110,000 to help with the current restoration.

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