Norfolk Sewer District


The Norfolk Sewer District is a self-governing taxing district that covers those properties connected to or maintained by the Sewer Commission. Its plant, located at 259 Greenwoods Road West, treats domestic waste water generated within the district and discharges it to the Blackberry River. A recorded Hub Talk by William Hester, “The Norfolk Sewer District: Past and Present,” is available to watch on YouTube.


Ronald T. Zanobi, Chair

Louis J. Barbagallo

Nancy McGrath

Katherine Yelsits, Secretary/Treasurer

JoAnn Gundlach, Clerk/Tax Collector (860-542-6905)

William Hester, Plant Superintendent

Brian Hutchins, Assistant


Norfolk Sewer District
P.O. Box 402 (mail payments here)
259 Greenwoods Road West
Norfolk CT 06058

860-542-5647 (plant)

William Hester

Brian Hutchins


Please note that all Sewer District payments must be made directly to the District, either in person or by mailing a check addressed to Norfolk Sewer District, P.O. Box 402, Norfolk CT 06058. Do not send payments to Town Hall.

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