All roads damaged when a cell of heavy rain passed through Norfolk Sunday afternoon were made accessible by late Monday afternoon. The only exception is Route 272 from Estey Road to Parker Hill Road.
The Norfolk Public Works Department worked clearing away downed trees and installing detour signs to direct traffic around washed-out areas. Riiska said caution should be used when travelling, especially in South Norfolk on Smith, Old Goshen, Estey and Parker Hill roads.
“Although the water level is going down, the sides of many roads are weak,” he said. “Please drive slowly.”
Public Works Supervisor Troy LaMere contacted many of the town’s vendors to help start to restore the roads. Three bridges were inspected Monday with the help of Cardinal Engineering and the bridges on Smith Road and Old Goshen Road at the intersection of Route 272 will need to be completely rebuilt.
“This is going to be a long process,” said Riiska. “Residents of Old Goshen and Smith roads will need to use Bruey Road to access Route 272. We ask for your patience while we work to get back to normal.”