Finance Board Votes to Pay Town Clerk Back Pay

The Board of Finance voted Tuesday night to pay new town clerk Deborah Nelson back pay for the months when she covered for Linda Perkins, who resigned October 1. Perkins had been out of the office for health reasons since May.

First Selectman Matt Riiska said that Nelson was certified to be a town clerk in June and has performed all town clerk functions since Perkins has been out. She was formerly assistant town clerk. 

The difference between her pay scale as assistant and as town clerk amounts to $6,808, Riiska said.

“I think she should be compensated for that amount,” he said. He also stated his desire to make the town clerk job appointed and not elected. That would have to be approved at a town meeting.

Riiska also reported to the board on continuing issues. The major reconstruction of Maple Avenue that was completed this summer cost less than budgeted, he said. The town had $2.6 million in funding available for the work and the final tabulation was $2,506,058. Treasurer Chelsea DeWitt told the board that the STEAP grant of $500,000 to help pay for the work has been received.

The Town has also submitted $750,827 worth of bills to the insurance company representing the trucking firm whose driver caused a disastrous gas spill in 2022. It is not certain when or if  this final claim will be paid.

Riiska also said that the culverts for the temporary replacement bridge on Smith Road would cost $63,000 and the total cost of the project is estimated at $150,000. The sum would have to be taken from the town’s capital reserve account. 

Newsletter Editor

Edited 10/12/24

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