Farmers Market Ends Its Long Run

It’s official: the Norfolk Farmers Market, a once-popular weekly venue where townspeople could shop for fresh produce, artisan foods and crafts, is no more.

The Farmers Market Committee voted at its March 4 meeting to end the market’s long run and to focus its attention instead on the community garden at Botelle School. Earlier, the committee had discussed the possibility of having a pop-up market at Norbrook Brewery this summer but decided against that because of the amount of work involved.

“It just felt like it was time to hang it up,” said committee chairman Lisa Auclair. “With new farms in town and CSAs available, we don’t think the town will want for fresh foods.”

The community garden behind Botelle School operates under the umbrella of the market committee. In the spring, students from Northwestern Regional School #7 come to Botelle and work with the younger children on planting seedlings. The Botelle kids then tend the seedlings and the market committee and guest gardeners take over the plots all summer long. 

Some of the food is used for personal consumption and some is donated to the Food Pantry.

“We have a master composter working with us and it is a great community builder,” said Auclair. “We have some very talented gardeners, and it is fun to work together.”

The Farmers Market Committee has $4,700 left in its account and wants permission from the town to transfer it to the garden project to pay for needed capital improvements. 

People interested in working in the community garden can reach out to Auclair at 860-806-3679 or email

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