Norfolk Library to Celebrate Book Publication

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Join the Norfolk Library to celebrate the publication of its new book “The Norfolk Library: History, Culture, Community,” Sunday, February 23, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. It is a long overdue history of the Norfolk Library and its place in the life of the town, from the beginning in 1888, when Isabella Eldridge decided the town should have a library, and continuing through the past fifty years, during which the Associates returned to the Library its role as a cultural center for the community. New photographs by Christopher Little compliment the historic images taken by Norfolk’s own Marie Kendall, who photographed the Library when it was new.
Listed at $45, books will be available for sale at the reception at the special discounted price of $25.
Please register for the reception by clicking here.
This event is graciously hosted by the Library Associates.

Norfolk Library

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