The Norfolk NET Food Pantry & Clothes Closet

The Norfolk Community Food Pantry is a town food pantry under the Norfolk NET organization, housed in the Church of Christ Congregational’s Battell Chapel. In partnership with the Norfolk community, the Food Pantry seeks to minimize hunger and provide nutritional sustenance for our neighbors, including any and all Norfolk residents in need. Please support us—the Pantry went from helping 135 people a month in 2022 to over 300 in May 2023 and the number is still growing!

There are two easy ways to support the Food Pantry. The first to is buy one or two extra items when grocery shopping. Besides milk, items that are always needed are ground coffee, kids’ snacks and juice boxes and cookies. Also needed are cereal, pasta and sauce, chunky soups, canned fruit and juices, canned meats, peanut butter, protein bars and macaroni & cheese. Toilet paper and personal care items are also appreciated. Non-perishable food items can be left in the blue bin at the back of the building at any time. Persons wishing to donate milk or other perishable items can do so during Food Pantry hours (Tuesday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) when they can be quickly refrigerated or kept frozen. There will always be a volunteer or staff person available then.

Scroll down to see items especially needed this week.

The affiliated Clothes Closet serves anyone who needs clothing and bedding, and accepts donations of clean, lightly used items. It is currently asking for everyday seasonal clothing for both men and women (no dress clothing or shoes). It also needs sheets and bedding (especially blankets and comforters), which should be bundled with the size visible.

Monetary donations also go a long way in supporting the Food Pantry. Checks can be made out to the Church of Christ, indicating Minister’s Discretionary Fund/Food Pantry in the memo line, and either left with volunteers or the church office, or mailed to the church: PO Box 582, Norfolk CT 06058. Online donations can also be made through the church’s website Food Pantry listing. Call the church office at 860-542-5721 with any questions. Note that monetary donations are especially welcome during the holiday seasons, including Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Please help!

Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Especially needed this week:

  • Funding for Easter baskets
  • Coffee*
  • Oatmeal
  • Salt and pepper

The Clothes Closet always needs everyday seasonal clothing.

Always welcome:

  • Any surplus fresh produce from your garden
  • Individual snacks and drinks for kids
  • Instant items that clients without a kitchen can enjoy immediately
  • Shelf-stable foods like macaroni & cheese, canned meats, peanut butter and breakfast cereal
  • Ground coffee*, tea, cocoa and dry or shelf-stable milk
  • Cookies and crackers, condiments (mustard, ketchup, relish, pickles, etc.)
  • Dry cat and dog food, dog treats
  • Empty egg boxes (dozens and half dozens for repackaging), bags with handles (paper is fine)
  • Toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrushes and floss; shampoo and conditioner; shaving cream; bar soap or shower gel)
  • Toilet paper, paper towel
  • Men’s and women’s everyday new socks and new underwear
  • Men’s, women’s and children’s everyday seasonal clothing
  • Towels, sheets and bedding, folded so the size labels show
  • Monetary donations, so the pantry can shop

Address: 12 Litchfield Road (entrance behind Battell Chapel)
Phone: 860-542-5721

Donation bin: A blue bin for nonperishable donations is located at the Pantry entrance. Please bring perishable items during Pantry hours (Tuesday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.).

Facebook page

Article about the Food Pantry

*A word about coffee: Please remember, favorite coffee is ground American coffee, medium strength (store brands, Maxwell House or similar). Most of our clients do not have coffee grinders or pod machines, so beans and pods just sit around.