The Town of Norfolk is conducting a Revaluation for the October 1, 2024 Grand List. The Town has contracted with E-Quality Valuation Services, LLC to assist with the Revaluation. Representatives of E-Quality will be conducting inspections and taking photographs of properties throughout the town. Read more. Additional representative(1), representative (2) information.
Town Notices
911 Reflective House Numbers
Get a reflective house number for free! Courtesy of a recent grant, the NVFD will provide any Norfolk resident with a blue number sign to make it easier for them to find you in an emergency. Call, email or text Sandy Evans (860-866-7923/ with your name and street address. There is no cost for this service.
Construction Alert
Everyone, please be aware of all the construction work taking place on Maple Avenue. Pedestrians and dog walkers are especially asked not to go through the remediation area. For your own safety and the safety of the workers please give them the space to work.
Fire Department Offers Info on Knox Boxes
The Norfolk Fire Department is offering information on the Knox Box, a device that offers an additional level of security for those with older parents who are not perfectly mobile or persons who live aIone. The Knox Box allows easy access for first responders and tracks who uses the key. Get product specifications and information about cost by emailing or clicking here.
Town Housing Plan
The Town of Norfolk’s 2022-2027 Housing Plan adopted on December 1, 2021 is available to review here.