Annual Town Meeting Set for May 13

The annual town meeting will be held Monday, May 13, at 7:00 p.m. at Botelle School. There are six items on the meeting call, the most important of which will be acceptance of the more than $9.1 million budget approved by the Board of Finance following a public hearing Tuesday. If the budget is approved, the Board of Finance will meet immediately afterward to set the mill rate.

Other items on the call are housekeeping issues, including authorizing a positive fund balance of no less than 15 percent of the approved town budget, authorizing the Board of Selectmen to expend up to $7,500 from the Moore Bailey Trust to maintain plantings in the town, authorizing the selectmen to apply for and expend state and federal funds for town purposes, and authorizing the selectmen and the town treasurer to issue notes in anticipation of the receipt of taxes. If bonds, issues or notes are tax exempt, the selectmen and treasurer would be authorized to bind the town to the “representations and covenants” they deem necessary.

Finally, townspeople will be asked to nominate and elect a representative to the Region 7 Board of Education.

Region 7’s $21 million budget will be taken to referendum May 7. Voting will take place from noon to 8:00 p.m. at Town Hall.

Residents who are registered to vote, and any individual who is a U.S. citizen of 18 years of age or more and who is liable to the town for taxes on property assessed at $1,000 or more before any exemption(s), may vote on any town business matter brought to a vote at a town meeting or referendum. Joint property owners who pay qualifying taxes may both vote if both names appear on the grand list.

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