Will a Llama Be in the Library?

The Norfolk Library Associates will continue its 50th anniversary celebration Sunday, June 23, with a Street Fair at Station Place from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. A DJ will play music on Robertson Plaza and there will be a photo booth, hayrides for kids, large puppets, a llama, crafts and much more. All activities are free.

Because of the flurry of activity expected, attendees should leave their dogs at home. 

The weatherman predicts a better than even chance of rain and, if it is indeed inclement, the event will be moved to the library, 9 Greenwoods Road.

Norbrook Brewery has created 50 cases of a special lager, “To Beer or Not to Beer,” and is donating proceeds from its sales to the associates to aid its mission of bringing education, enlightenment and entertainment to the community. Pre-ordered cases will be available for pick up at the library during the Street Fair. To order, call 860-309-9473.

The library was originally gifted to the town in 1888 by Isabella Eldridge, who maintained it as a cultural center for the town. After her death and the disruptions of the Great Depression and World II, lavish entertainments became a thing of the past until 1974 when library trustees Tibby Robinson and Martha Walcott decided to restore it to its rightful place as the centerpiece of the community. The library associates formed in June 1974.

Currently, most of the programs and special events at the library are funded by monies generated through the associates.

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