Project Manager Hired for Firehouse Project

In another step toward a new firehouse, the town has identified a project manager, Downes Construction of New Britain, for construction of a new firehouse. The company was recommended to the town by the firehouse architectural team from Silver Petrucelli after the town advertised the position and got no response. 

Both firms met in a hybrid session with the Firehouse Building Committee Wednesday night. 

As project manager, Downes Construction will do a design review to see where further cuts can be made and provide a solid cost estimate to take to bid. The firm will oversee the project from bidding through completion and supply three onsite engineers to monitor construction and liaise with a subcommittee of the building committee.

While onsite the engineers will ensure that subcontractors adhere to the specifications in their contracts and test materials when necessary. “They will be our eyes and ears,” Riiska explained.

The Downes representatives gave the building committee “very good news,” Riiska said, when they estimated that the 10,500-square-foot building would cost from $650 to $750 per square foot to build ($6.8 million to $7.9 million). The firm will receive 2.25 percent of the total cost—a fee of $160,000 at the median cost. 

“That sounds like a lot, but it is a good price,” Riiska said, adding that Downes representatives were impressed with the amount of work the building committee has already done to hone the proposal. 

He hopes that state and federal grants will cover about $4 million of the needed sum and said significant donor pledges have already been received. A fundraising committee will continue to seek pledges, and the remainder will probably be bonded. The town has already spoken to bond counsel. 

“We’re really working at this,” Riiska said, adding that the committee wants to go out to bid this fall in preparation for construction next year.

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