A free Northwest Hills Council of Governments Household Hazardous Waste Collection is planned for Saturday June 10, 9:00 a.m. to noon, at the Falls Village Public Works Garage, 100 Railroad St. Norfolk is among the 12 towns eligible to participate in the collection. A ticket must be obtained by applying to Town Hall, 860-542-5829, and are available through June 9.
Brochures explaining the collection day are available at Town Hall.
The ticket must be shown upon entry. All those bringing items must store the materials in the rear area of the vehicle, not in passenger compartments. Only items to be removed by waste collection personnel should be in the rear area.
Household products are considered hazardous if they are toxic, flammable, reactive or corrosive. Examples of such products include pesticides, herbicides, oil-based paints, degreasers, household cleaners, paint thinners and gasoline.
For more information about what items can be disclosed of, click here.