Fire House Committee Will Decide on Manager

The Fire House Building Committee will meet next Tuesday to consider construction management bids received from Newfield Construction in Hartford and Downes Construction Company of New Britain.

Newfield’s bid for overseeing construction of the new fire house is $629,600, remarkably closed to Downes’ bid of $634,400. 

Downes has worked with the building committee on the first phase of the project, developing the $9.3 million cost estimate. It has also helped to create a list of items that could be eliminated or altered to reduce the price tag. First Selectman Matt Riiska said he is slated to meet with the architects, Silver Petrucelli, on Friday to go over that list. 

“We will make a decision next week on which company we will go with,” Riiska said. “We are not required to take the lowest bid, especially when they are that close, but we will meet with Newfield to give the committee a chance to hear what they have to say. We have to consider what is best for the town.”

A special meeting has been called for Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in the fire house. After discussion with Newfield, the committee will review the two management proposals and decide. The agenda, including a Zoom link, is posted here.

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