Waking Up to the Earth: A Poetry Reading and Reflection

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Join Margaret Gibson, Connecticut Poet Laureate and editor of the recently-released anthology Waking Up to the Earth — Connecticut Poets in a Time of Global Climate Crisis, for a poetry reading and reflection by ten of the 63 poets with poems in the anthology, including Norfolk’s own Susannah Wood.

The scope of the poems goes far beyond Connecticut to the whole ecosystem we humans share. As quoted in a book review in The Day , Gibson describes the book: “Climate crisis IS human crisis. Waking Up to the Earth offers poems by poets who are paying attention, finding connection, and warning of the danger. And any anthology is a collection of individual and varied voices. In Waking Up to the Earth, there are voices that praise, raise questions, grieve, warn … There are humorous voices as well.”  Click here to register for this event.


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