City Meadow Restoration Will Be Ongoing Effort

Restoration of City meadow, which was reclaimed several years ago as a wildlife habitat, will be an ongoing effort, cautioned Elizabeth Borden, co-chair of the Friends of the Meadow Committee, at its recent meeting.

Invasive species have already mowed twice and will be treated with herbicides in August. Woody invasives will also be cut and have herbicides applied. 

Restoration could be accomplished within two years, Borden said, but would be more expensive if the group does not try to preserve native cattails growing there.

Looking forward, the group discussed where sculptures could be placed along the sculpture trail proposed by the Norfolk Community Association. Doreen Kelly, co-chairman of the association, said they usually work in a two-year timeframe for installations and asked when the Friends anticipate having the meadow ready for a sculpture. Borden predicted three years. 

Discussion then turned to seating on Robertson Plaza, which overlooks the meadow from Station Place. The group talked about various ways of rearranging the seating and providing shade but did not reach a conclusion.

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