Immaculate Conception Church invites all to participate in this year’s Northwest Connecticut Virtual Crop Walk to end hunger. The “walk” will be conducted during September. Donation envelopes are available at the back of the church. for more information on how to join the team, click here.
Community News
Video of July 26 Town Meeting Available
A video of Norfolk’s July 26, 2022, special town meeting has been posted on Vimeo for public viewing.
GMF Executive Director Takes New Post
Tamara Muruetagoiena, executive director of Great Mountain Forest, Inc., has been appointed Director of Sustainability at the International Fresh Produce Association located in Newark, Del. She joined GMF in 2019 to help the organization advance new forest management plans that recognize the ecological and economic benefits of forests. GMF manages one of the larger, private forests in southern New England. The Board of Trustees will be announcing a leadership plan shortly.
Schools Plan Records Destruction
Church Seeks Funds to Restore Steeple
Efforts are accelerating to restore the Church of Christ Congregational steeple. The Steeple Restoration Committee has selected one of three plans presented by GNCB Consulting Engineers and Noyes Vogt Architects and fundraising efforts are beginning in earnest. To date, one-third of the approximately $400,000 needed for restoration has been pledged. To donate toward the restoration, click here.
Food drive at church
Immaculate Conception Church is participating in a St. Martin of Tours Parish food drive during the six weeks of Lent. Donations of non-perishable items may be left in a box provided at the church. The food will be distributed through the Norfolk Food Pantry.
Pre-Kindergarten Registration
Botelle School is compiling a list of children eligible for pre-kindergarten in September 2022. Any Norfolk child born in 2018 or on Jan. 1, 2019, is eligible for enrollment. It is important for parents to contact the school at 860-542-5286 – ext. 200 (or email so it can plan for the upcoming year and provide information about registration and orientation. Click here for more information
Norfolk Fire Department Back on Facebook
The Norfolk Fire Department has fought its way through social media bureaucracy after its Facebook page was taken down for about two months. Facebook said the department violated a policy unknown to the firefighters but would not say which one. The normal appeals process did not work and Sen. Kevin Witkos’ office had to intervene twice before the page was restored. The fire company expressed its thanks to Witkos and his staff.
Longtime Botelle Teacher’s Visit School Postponed
A Good News Gathering at Botelle School originally set for March 15th has been postponed until warmer weather to allow longtime Norfolk teacher, Fran Fratini Cooper, to more easily mix with former and current students. Mrs. Cooper, now in her 90s, will tell students what school was like when she taught at Norfolk Center School when the event is finally held. Former students and community members are invited to this event.