Community News

Town to Vote May 8 on $7.7 Million Budget

The Board of Finance approved the $7,739,860 proposed municipal budget Tuesday night following a quick public hearing. It will now go to a May 8 Town Meeting. 

A referendum to vote on the $21,108,004 Region 7 School District budget is slated for May 2. Norfolk’s portion is $1,804,736.

Municipal services would cost $3,701,585, while the local elementary school budget is $2,418,457. If approved, the municipal budget would increase $149,000, but the anticipated mil rate would still drop from 27.84 to 27.79.

Board of Finance Chairman Michael Scoyers lauded the budget, praising the Selectmen for submitting a budget that reduces the mil rate even as they grapple with expensive projects. “I think [First Selectman Matt Riiska] has done a fantastic job,” he said, adding that the Board of Education also turned in a “seriously conservative budget.” 

Click to view the budget summarybudget income summary and budget by department.

Residents were not without questions and opinions, however. Susan MacEachron questioned the town’s debt service, which would increase by about $132,000 to a total of about a half-million dollars.

Riiska explained that the town is paying $56,000 as its portion of the recently rebuilt Mountain Road Bridge, for which it will receive a 50-percent state reimbursement. River Place bridge, still under construction, is included at $50,000 to cover interest costs until the project is complete, probably this fall. Both loans are at 2.25 percent interest. 

Eventually, the town will receive an 80 percent federal reimbursement of the cost of the River Place bridge.

Maple Avenue is the biggest project and is expected to cost the town $2.1 million. Riiska has secured a $500,000 STEAP grant to reduce the cost and budgeted a $124,000 debt payment. He predicted that the entire road will not be completed this year, however, because of extensive rehabilitation needed there following last November’s massive gas spill on Route 44.

“It’s going to be difficult. There is a lot involved and the window closes quickly for construction in Norfolk,” Riiska said. “That could jeopardize doing the whole job this year.”

He said Bond Council recommended a 30-year loan or bond at between 4 and 4.5 percent interest. Riiska reported, “I put in 4.5, so we are covered.”

The school roof replacement is estimated to cost $1.8 million. It will be financed at 4.5 percent interest. Riiska said the town looked at a school construction grant, which would reimburse 30 percent but would also require adhering to state labor standards. It would ultimately cost more. 

Discussion shifted to installation of fiber optic wires around town. Frontier has quoted the town $467,000 to extend coverage to less densely populated areas. There is $30,000 debt figure in the budget, but Riiska said negotiations are continuing. “Based on a half-million, I figured 15 years at 4.5 percent interest,” Riiska said. 

Phylis Bernard asked why the town would pay Frontier to install infrastructure for a service they will then charge for. “That’s a good question,” said Riiska. “We’re still negotiating and will say, ‘Give us another price and it has to include everyone, or we won’t sign up.’”

Bernard further asked about the $110,000 budgeted for tennis court refurbishment. Riiska said the courts are heavily used. “You would be amazed.” 

“It [the sum] looks like a state trooper to me,” she said, referring to the fact the fact that the town does not have a resident state trooper.

Choral Union Looking for Singers

The Litchfield County Choral Union will present Felix Mendelssohn’s cantata “Lobgesang (Hymn of Praise)” Saturday, August 19, at 4:00 p.m. in the Concert Shed on the Stoeckle Estate. There will be a full orchestra.

The LCCU invites all former members and any interested new singers to join in performing this magnificent work.

The “Hymn of Praise” was the first work sung by the Choral Union at the venerable Music Shed in 1906.

The concert will be conducted by Jeffrey Douma, director of Yale Glee Club.  Rehearsals, under the direction of Associate Conductor Matthew Cramer, will be held every Monday evening starting June 5 from 7:30 to 10:00 PM in the Battell House at the Yale Summer Music School in Norfolk. 

The LCCU will be joined by additional choral groups and conducted by Maestro Douma during the final week of rehearsal with the Thursday and Friday rehearsals at Yale.  Transportation will be provided to the Yale rehearsals at no charge.

Musical scores will be provided free of charge and will be available at the first rehearsal in Norfolk.

There will be a $50 registration fee, $45 for families with more than one member and $20 for students.  This will help us cover the cost of the rehearsal accompanist. 

The LCCU would like to create a roster prior to the first rehearsal.  Email Pat Niver at A registration form is attached that can be filled out and brought to the first rehearsal. 

Household Hazardous Waste Collection

A free Northwest Hills Council of Governments Household Hazardous Waste Collection is planned for Saturday June 10, 9:00 a.m. to noon, at the Falls Village Public Works Garage, 100 Railroad St. Norfolk is among the 12 towns eligible to participate in the collection. A ticket must be obtained by applying to Town Hall, 860-542-5829, and are available through June 9.

Brochures explaining the collection day are available at Town Hall.

The ticket must be shown upon entry. All those bringing items must store the materials in the rear area of the vehicle, not in passenger compartments. Only items to be removed by waste collection personnel should be in the rear area.

Household products are considered hazardous if they are toxic, flammable, reactive or corrosive. Examples of such products include pesticides, herbicides, oil-based paints, degreasers, household cleaners, paint thinners and gasoline.

For more information about what items can be disclosed of, click here.

UCC Continues Changed Service Schedule

The United Church of Christ will continue its experiment with an altered worship schedule Sunday, April 30. At 10:00 a.m., the Rev. Erick Olsen will host a gathering for coffee, prayer and conversation on a topical issue in the sanctuary.

The afternoon service will be held at 5:00 p.m. and combines a blend of ancient practices and new features in a format that, it is hoped, is welcoming for all. The afternoon service will feature the puppetry of Susan Aziz and friends and the music of the choir.

Library has Spring Haiku Contest

April is National Poetry Month, and the Norfolk Library is celebrating with a haiku contest. Send your best original spring-themed haiku by Monday, April 17, to As the library receives them, it will post the haikus on its social media.

The three favorites will be featured in the April 21 Night Owl for patrons to vote on an overall winner. The poet of the winning haiku will win a gift certificate to Arethusa Farm Dairy. 

For those unfamiliar with haiku, it is a Japanese poetic form that consists of three lines, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. 

State of Emergency Declared for “Brenda”

First Selectman Matt Riiska declared a state of emergency Tuesday morning as the major snowstorm swept over Northwest Connecticut. This allows the town to take advantage of any service and funding that may become available through the state or the federal government.

Working with the local emergency management and the Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS), the town applied for assistance through the Region 5 Public Works Mutual Aid Plan. Wednesday morning public works crews from Watertown and Thomaston came to Norfolk with equipment and crews to assist in the cleanup.

“This was a great help,” said Riiska, expressing his gratitude for the assistance.

The Emergency Management Team was in place from early Tuesday morning until Wednesday night, monitoring the public works radios, tracking outages, monitoring Eversource activities, keeping track of road closures and keeping track road blockages from trees and down wires.

The Public Works crew was out from 1:00 a.m. Tuesday until 8:00 p.m. that night and then again from 4:00 a.m. on Wednesday until 6:00 p.m., but still the work is not complete. Riiska said the cleanup of downed trees and branches will continue for some time.

Spring Will Bring More Gas Cleanup Efforts

Norfolk residents convened Tuesday evening for the fourth gas spill update meeting since the Nov. 5 spill.

First Selectman Matt Riiska reported that the meeting was businesslike with the exception of a question from the floor regarding allowing the remediation company to start work on private property. “There was a comment from the floor regarding when the landowners will give permission for [cleanup crews] to get onto their properties” Riiska said. “Right now, it’s a case of trying to work through this to address everyone’s concerns. We are trying to move this along for everyone’s benefit.”

Another question from the audience was regarding offering alternative housing during the remediation process planned for this spring. Riiska responded, “The Town has worked with a number of residents over the past four months, locating and providing funding for alternative housing. We will continue to assist in any way we can.”  

The cleanup is the top priority for more than one reason. In addition to wanting to remove all environmental contaminants, the town has projects in the pipeline that will be delayed until the cleanup is complete. 

Concern was expressed that there has been little activity in recent weeks, but the audience was assured that testing and remediation continues, with much more to come in the spring. Riiska commented that this is far from over and he wants Norfolk residents to understand that there are still residents whose lives have been disrupted by this event.

Verdantas, the firm monitoring the movement of contaminants in water and soil, has submitted a plan to the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP). It has yet to be approved, but Riiska anticipates it will be. “The plan is to have all remediation done sometime in June, if not sooner.” he said, but expressed skepticism about that schedule. “With the construction season opening up, we will need to move quickly to have Verdantas plan approved by the DEEP.”

The extensive work planned by the town for Maple Avenue will be affected by reclamation efforts, which are now projected to affect a wider area than originally foreseen. Bids for the town’s project are being reviewed, but Riiska said he is discussing the issue with the town’s lawyer. Guerrera Construction, Inc., of Oxford, a firm the town has worked with in the past, is working with the state on the cleanup and Riiska believes it might be prudent to have the same firm work with the town as well. 

“The cleanup area is getting bigger, not because of contamination, but because of all of the infrastructure that will be corrected, particularly the storm water damaged system on Pettibone Lane and Maple Avenue. This will require more coordination than we had originally planned,” he said. “It makes sense to have one company do all the reconstruction work associated with the remediation process and the refurbishment of Maple Avenue.”

Finance Board Wants Schools Agreement

The Board of Finance Tuesday night agreed that Chairman Michael Sconyers should write a letter to Botelle Superintendent Mary Beth Iacobelli and Board of Education Chairman Ann DeCerbo requesting that they begin negotiations with Colebrook to establish a cooperative education agreement. Such agreements are legal under State Statute 10-158a.

“We’re going to look into different plans going forward,” said First Selectman Matt Riiska following the meeting. “We have 64 students at Botelle now and next year’s projections are in the upper 50s. Is it advantageous to operate a school with just 56 kids? It’s even more than economics—it’s our job to provide the best education we can to get them ready for Region 7.”

An attempt to actually consolidate the Colebrook and Norfolk schools failed several years ago but Riiska said the statute allows a town to send students to another community on a tuition basis.

“Obviously, the best thing would be a consolidation because we have the facility, but if that doesn’t work, we have to look at other options,” Riiska said, adding that conversations have already started amongst town officials. “But it’s a Board of Education thing,” he concluded. “It’s their call.”

How to Pay Less for Electricity

Concerned about your electricity bill? If you think you are paying too much for the power Eversource is delivering, you can switch any time to another supplier with lower rates. Two websites, EnergizeCT and PowerSetter, offer comparative listings from which to choose and sign-up forms to use if and when you decide to switch. Rates vary by length of contract, but most companies offer several options and you can opt to be notified of an impending price decrease. If prices do change, there is no penalty for switching to another supplier with a better rate.

Raise the Steeple Receives Major Grant

The Raise the Steeple committee has announced that the Church of Christ has been offered a $200,000 grant from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). This is the largest of the grants that SHPO offers.

The church has raised more than $575,000 in its campaign to put restore and replace the steeple, which currently sits on a specially made scaffold beside the venerable church. In addition to renovating the steeple, the church plans to repair the clock face and chimes.

The original estimate for the repairs and refurbishment of the clock has doubled but generous donations put the church in a good position to complete the work.

The Steeple Committee will present details about the grant to the congregation at an all-church meeting after an attorney reviews the contract. For more information about the Steeple Restoration Project click here.

In the meantime, the Granville Dawgs will present “Rock Around the Clock,” at Battell Chapel, Saturday, January 14, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. There will be a musical tour through time and a chance to learn a dance from each decade from the 1950s through the ’90s. A $20 suggested donation raises funds for the steeple’s restoration.