A game that has survived since the days of Ancient Egypt certainly has staying power. Bocce, which spread from Egypt to the Roman Empire to all the lands that Caesar conquered, has now come to Norfolk (minus Caesar, of course).
The sixth annual Bocce Tournament will be held on the court behind 10 Station Place Sunday, October 6. Warm-ups begin at 2:30 p.m. and brackets will form at 3:00 p.m. Balls will start rolling as soon as a couple of teams have formed.
Because of the large turnout in recent years, organizer Lindsey Boucher asks that competitors contact her with teams ahead of time if they want a guaranteed spot. There will be eight teams again this year with four people on each team to let as many people play as possible while also not making the event too long. Teams with fewer than four people can merge with another small team.
Potential players can also take a chance on joining a team when they arrive if there are spots available. “This is a fun fall afternoon, and you might end up on our Fence of Fame!” Boucher said.
Pizza will be served. Fans make the afternoon fun and those who want to just come, cheer and eat pizza are welcome.
RSVP by texting 860-309-1505 or emailing lboucher@norfolkmgmt.com.